Aside from genetics, nutrition and lifestyle are also key factors that can play a huge role in the development of varicose veins. Fortunately, you can pay attention to what you’re putting into your body and tweak your eating habits to ensure you’re getting enough micronutrients in your diet. Here are a few foods to help you eat your way to healthier veins:

1. Chia seeds

High-fiber foods such as chia seeds or flaxseeds (which are also omega-3 foods) help to improve heart health and are also necessary for a healthy digestive system. Not eating enough fiber causes constipation, resulting in bloating and increased pressure on the veins around the abdomen and legs. Vegetables, fresh fruit, and ancient grains are also high-fiber foods that you can incorporate into your daily diet.

2. Blueberries & blackberries

Foods that are rich in antioxidants like blueberries and blackberries help to strengthen veins, improve arterial health, and fight inflammation. Blackberries also contain a flavonoid called rutin, which is a known antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective (protective of the blood vessels), and is preventative against blood clots. Plus, the high level of anthocyanin content in blueberries help to promote the overall health of your veins by repairing damaged proteins in the blood vessel walls.

3. Avocados

Vitamin C and E are abundant in avocados. Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory and great for overall skin health, while Vitamin E helps to prevent blood clots and acts as a natural blood thinner. What’s good for the arteries is also good for the veins pumping blood from your legs to your heart.

4. Ginger

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory superfood that is known for its healing properties and is often used to help treat varicose veins. Ginger helps improve circulation and dissolves fibrin in blood vessels. Fibrin is a protein that causes veins to become lumpy and hard so someone who has a difficult time breaking down fibrin may develop varicose veins.

5. Beets

Beets contain a chemical called betacyanin, which helps to reduce levels of homocysteine – a natural amino acid that is known to damage blood vessels. Beetroot juice is also rich in nitrates, helping to improve and support healthy blood circulation naturally.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Foods that cause water retention

Fluid retention places added pressure on the veins within the body. Some tips to consider: don’t add extra salt, avoid processed foods and meats, and stay away from high-sodium foods that cause dehydration and contain toxins that can worsen the swelling in varicose veins.

  • Foods that are NOT high in fiber

Foods that lead to constipation like salty foods, high amounts of dairy, and alcohol can put your veins under pressure, particularly in the lower legs where varicose veins are most likely to develop. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and consuming foods that are high in fiber, such as whole grains and fresh fruit!

Let us help with any of your varicose vein concerns

Summit Skin & Vein Care in Lee’s Summit, MO, can diagnose your venous problems and provide professional treatments to treat and diminish the appearance of varicose veins.

To make an appointment, contact Summit Skin & Vein Care or call (816) 533-4398 today.