As the snow melts away, people begin spring cleaning and dreaming of warm, sunny days. The one thing that could make summer better? Great legs, of course. Let’s face it, summer is the season for bare legs, bathing suits, and long days outside in the sunshine. Don’t hide your legs this bikini season — show the world how great they are! Unsure how to get your skin prepped for their debut on the beach or at the pool? We have details here.

Tips for Great Legs:

Over the winter months, skin often gets rough to touch and a little pastier than many of us would like to admit. Not to worry, though. Our skin care experts can help you create the perfect canvas for leg perfection. Ready? Let’s get started.


Even the most moisturized legs can benefit from some regular exfoliation. With regular exfoliation scrubs, you can get the silky soft legs you have always wanted. So, what’s happening beneath the surface that makes your skin so feathery? This process removes dead skin cells, leaving behind an even surface that better absorbs moisturizer and self tanning products.

Hair Removal

Shaving and waxing can be harsh on your skin, leaving your legs itchy, red, and bumpy. You can have great legs that are irritation-free in the matter of a few laser hair treatments. Unlike temporary, short-lived hair removal solutions, laser hair treatment will help you get the great legs you want and deserve.

Cellulite Removal

Cellulite is something that often plagues even the greatest of legs. The dimpled appearance it creates often leaves individuals feeling embarrassed about the way their legs look. Don’t worry, though! Your legs can still look great this summer! With FDA-approved treatments like Themage®, you can restore the smooth appearance of your skin in no time. In addition to restoring collagen in treated areas, it promotes continued growth of this essential protein.

Learn More Now

By taking the appropriate skin treatment action, you will greet the summer with great legs. Have a stubborn case of spider or varicose veins? Don’t let that keep you down. Our skilled skin care experts can help treat that, too!

To learn more about how we can help you get the great legs you have always wanted, call Summit Skin & Vein Care of Lee’s Summit at (816) 533-4398.

Proudly serving the Kansas City & Lee’s Summit community.