Have you always been embarrassed about your smile, but thought that it is a waste of time at this point? A bright smile can give you a great boost of confidence every day. Poor oral hygiene is the main factor in discolored teeth.

Types of Discoloration

  • Extrinsic discoloration – When the tooth’s enamel becomes stained by what we eat and drink, or from smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Intrinsic discoloration – When the dentin (inside of the tooth) darkens or becomes a yellow tint. There are many causes for this type of discoloration like getting too much fluoride as a child, an antibiotic your mother took while pregnant or that you took as a child, trauma to a tooth, or a rare condition called dentinogenosis imperfecta.
  • Age-related – Dentin naturally yellows over time and starts to show through as the enamel thins.

Increased Self-Confidence

Studies have shown that professionally whitened teeth give us a great confidence boost because we like what we see in the mirror. When you look great, you feel great.

Healthier Appearance

A sparkling white smile creates a younger, healthier appearance, as well as giving you more reasons to smile. It also improves people’s initial reactions to you and might even land you that coveted job.

More Business

Just like a whiter smile can land you a job, it can also land you more clients. It’s not just luck. Your improved confidence will subconsciously cause you to be bolder and happier in presentations. Along with this, white teeth will give clients the impression that you care about all aspects of your life.

It is recommended that you see a dentist or dental hygienist for a tooth cleaning before whitening. This will help you to attain the best results and reduce discoloration.

For more information on professional teeth whitening, contact the experts at Summit Skin and Vein Care.