Winter has quite the reputation for making skin dry, cracked and brittle. Everyone is thankful, then, when spring rolls around and their skin starts looking more beautiful, fresh and healthy again. Healthy skin doesn’t usually happen on its own, however. Use these six healthy skin tips and enjoy beautiful, youthful, touchable skin once again.

Healthy Skin Tip #1: Exfoliate

Start by exfoliating away the dead, dry skin cells that have been accumulating all winter. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub and small, circular motions to gently brush away dead skin cells. Do this about three times a week.

Healthy Skin Tip #2: Moisturize

Replace your skin’s moisture by using a great moisturizer once or twice a day. For healthy skin, choose a moisturizer with sunscreen for daytime and a repairing night cream for nighttime.

Healthy Skin Tip #3: Wear Sunscreen

Once the weather turns warmer, you will likely start spending more time outside. Protect your skin from the increased sunshine by wearing sunscreen every day. This is one of the most important ways to achieve youthful, healthy skin.

Healthy Skin Tip #4: Pamper Your Feet

By the time spring comes around, many women find their feet are dry, cracked and calloused. Get your feet ready for sandal season by soaking your feet, removing any callouses and painting your toe nails a bright, fun color.

Healthy Skin Tip #5: Shave Your Legs

Spring’s warmer weather means shorts and the necessity to shave your legs past your knees once again. Shave after you shower and exfoliate, so you get the smoothest, closest shave possible. Do not forget to use lotion afterwards to lock the moisture in your new smooth, healthy skin.

Healthy Skin Tip #6: Replace Your Make-up

Toss the dark make-up colors you wore in the winter in favor of lighter pastel shades. Not only will this help you feel more ready for spring, but it will keep bacteria from growing in your makeup and spreading to your face as well.

At Summit Skin and Vein Care, we want your skin to stay healthy throughout the year. We offer top quality skin care, cellulite treatment and many more services!

Call us today (816) 533-4398 for a free consultation!