The transition from one season to another takes its toll on your skin. Thinking that you can go from spring to summer and summer to winter without changing your skin care routine is naïve. The elements play a factor in how much moisture your skin has.

Adapting Your Skin Care Regimen Based on the Weather

If you want to look and feel your best, you’re going to need to adopt a skin care routine that recognizes your individual needs in context to the weather. You’ll want to hydrate more and protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays in the summer and apply a thick, creamy moisturizer during the coldest days of winter.

As the Sun Gets Hotter

Depending on your skin type, you may want to do the following to transition from spring to summer with your skin care regimen:

  • People with dry or normal skin can cleanse with their regular cream or oil based cleanser but need to do so more often to remove dirt and impurities caused by sweat.
  • Men and women with oily or combination skin should use a foaming cleanser to thoroughly cleanse the pores.

As the Winds of Winter Start to Blow

When the seasons change from summer and winter, it’s best to do the following things for your skin based on the type of skin conditions you have ordinarily:

  • Dry and normal skin should receive some extra moisture through a thick moisturizer packed with natural ingredients.
  • Oily and combination skin should be treated with a light oil free moisturizer during the day and a night cream before bed for best results.

Take Care to Protect Your Skin Year-Round

Your skin care regimen helps protect your skin from premature aging, sunburn, and blistering as well as drying out, cracking, and splitting when the first hint of lower temperatures arises. By following the advice listed above, you keep your skin looking great year round. In most cases, you don’t have to do much to change your skin care routine but be aware of changes in the appearance of your skin during different seasons.

Contact us today to learn more about how to keep your skin looking youthful and fresh!