The winter is over, and the sun has rarely been more welcome. Most people are anxious to get outside, which means this is the perfect time to provide a reminder about the importance of sunscreen. Skin damage is a serious matter. When you choose to go without sunscreen, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to skin damage that ranges from spots, lines and wrinkles up to skin cancer. However, when wearing sunscreen is turned into a habit, it’s possible to minimize the effects of skin damage to achieve healthier, younger looking skin.

Is It Too Late to Reverse Skin Damage?

Most people can look back and recall the long, sunny days of their youth when wearing sunscreen was never even considered. Some of the skin damage from that time may be starting to show now. While it’s easy to think that the skin damage received from years of going without sunscreen can’t be reversed, it’s not necessarily true. If you approach it the right way, it may be possible to minimize the effects of earlier skin damage.

Exfoliate for Success

Exfoliation is a wonderful way to get rid of the outer surface of damaged cells. Using the right chemical, you’ll be able to reveal a smoother, more uniform layer of skin. Look for an exfoliant that contains glycolic acid, which effectively dissolves dead cells to get rid of skin damage.

Lighten Brown Spots

Another sure sign of skin that’s gone for too long without sunscreen is brown spots. Fortunately, these can be lightened with a hydroquinone treatment that can be gotten over the counter or in stronger dosages from a dermatologist. These products are a gentle, effective way to reverse skin damage.

Use Sunscreen

Every time you venture outdoors, make certain to use that sunscreen. Remember that the sun’s harmful rays can get to your skin even on overcast days, so always be prepared with sunscreen. Don’t forget to stock up on lip balm with sunscreen too.

Throughout May, sunscreen is buy one get one half off! Click here to learn more about all of  Summit Skin and Vein Care’s specials.

For more information about sun damage and sunscreen, please contact Summit Skin and Vein Care today at (816) 533-4398.