How to Manage Varicose Vein Pain

Many people that experience varicose veins suffer pain. This is because the valves in the veins are malfunctioning, making it harder for blood to flow upwards. Without proper blood flow, [...]

It’s Summertime!!!

Who doesn’t love spending time in the sun?! Planting or working in the garden, laying by the pool, or just hanging out outside with family and friends. We all love [...]

Common Signs of Varicose Veins

Aching and swollen legs, and twisted veins can be uncomfortable precursors to varicose veins. These occur when vein valves are weakened or damaged. The weakened valves prevent blood from efficiently [...]

The 3Ws of Vein Health

The 3Ws of Vein Health At Summit Skin & Vein Care, our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients through the treatment of challenging vein conditions [...]

What is DVT?

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Pain or swelling in the legs or arms can significantly change your lifestyle. If your leg or arm pain is coupled with a pre-existing medical condition [...]

Lee’s Summit Events: March 2020

It’s finally starting to warm up Lee’s Summit! Check out all the events that are coming to town in March. March Events Spring Open House EVENT DATE: March 6 at [...]